The 9 shortcuts to use if you want to be a pro in Firefox and impress your peers

It is everyone’s dream or aspiration to use a computer like a pro. In movies we see programmers and professionals operate a computer and its applications without the single touch of a mouse and hence increasing both productivity and speed.
Therefore in my first Medium post, I decided to list these shortcuts for using Firefox. Its the start of your journey without the mouse so start simple.
1.CTRL + j
This shortcut will give you instantly the list of all downloads , this will help you by not using the mouse and clicking the downloads icon.
This shortcut will give the history of websites you ever visited in a jiffy.
3.Ctrl + r
Is your webpage not working properly or is there some problem in your internet that made you reload the page this press this shortcut key and pls don’t waste time using a mouse for such silly things.
4.Ctrl + w
If you want to close a tab and is fed up like me going over the tab and clicking the close button use this it will work like a miracle for closing the tabs
5.Ctrl + 9
Want to know which was your last tab but forgot or don’t want to waste time by searching for it then this will help you to get to the last tab if it is not closed.
6.CTRL+ tab
This shortcut will help you to move around the tabs only in the forward direction
7.CTRL+ PgUp
This will help you to move to the left tabs then you may be wondering what CTRL + PgDn will do you guessed it right it will help us to move to the right tabs.
8.CTRL + t
According to me the most boring thing you can do in browser is to move your cursor to the plus mark near an open tab for creating a new tab.This is the most time wasting this ,use this and your productivity will be at the speed of light.
If you are a geek like me and want to know how a webpage looks like in code you can use this shortcut to open the developer option window CTRL + SHIFT + c
Well there are many more shortcuts but I feel that knowing this much is more than necessary to make you a pro in computer as well as productivity.
if you want to know more click the below link :